JuryBall App

Jury Selection Made Easy


Helping lawyers win cases

Our business is helping lawyers win cases, and a huge part of this work is identifying the best and worst jurors through our advanced analytics. But as anyone who has conducted voir dire knows, it’s not easy to keep up with all the information gathered during the process, and it’s even harder to make sense of it all.

A screenshot of a computer screen showing court cases on the JuryBall app

Problems with existing apps

We looked for apps that leveraged technology, assuming we would find solutions built for the 21st century. Instead, we found existing apps were often:

  1. Clumsy, with only set questions that could be asked
  2. Crippled, with limited numbers of jurors that could be entered
  3. Confounding, with no ability to toggle between entering information for individual jurors or for whole sets of jurors
  4. Complex, with lots of bells and whistles that made them hard to use in real-time

JuryBall app features

With our jury selection app, you can:

  1. Build the courtroom layout exactly as it is in real life, so that what you see on the screen matches what you see in the courtroom
  2. Create your own jury questions with pre-entered answers, making data entry faster
  3. Quickly enter notes for one juror or switch to jury view and enter data for multiple jurors at once
  4. Allocate points to answers and see jurors ranked by their responses
  5. Store comments about each juror in real-time and have conversations about jurors with peers, all within the app
  6. Flag jurors for follow-up, track peremptory and for cause strikes, and note those excused by the court
  7. Collaborate with co-workers in real-time so that nothing a juror says or does goes unnoticed or unrecorded
  8. Engage with case and juror analytics, then sync the predictive data about jurors straight into the app


Guiding principles

As trial lawyers, statisticians, and jury consultants, we knew technology could revolutionize jury selection in trials of all sizes. We set out to build a better mousetrap – an app that is generations ahead of the rest and easy to use. Our goal? To give trial lawyers a competitive edge in the courtroom.

We decided to solve this problem through innovation. We started from scratch and built an app that met our clients’ needs, working from some simple guiding principles:

  1. Data entry had to be instantaneous and intuitive to keep up with the frenetic pace of jury selection.
  2. The app had to work in the cloud so that more than one person could collaborate simultaneously.
  3. The app had to allow entry for each juror individually or for a bunch of jurors all at once.
  4. We wanted the app to be grounded in data and analytics, which required allowing for juror scoring.
  5. We wanted all of the information to be easy to see, sort, use, and save.

Streamline the jury selection process

Our app is designed to streamline the jury selection process, making it easier for trial lawyers to focus on what matters most – building a strong case and selecting the best possible jury. The result is an app built for trial lawyers, designed to leverage technology and statistics to win more often and win bigger.

Want to Connect?

Discover how “JuryBall” can elevate your legal strategies to new heights. Click below to explore more about the revolutionary book or to see how our innovative app can directly enhance your courtroom effectiveness.

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