About Us

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Alicia Campbell

Alicia Campbell started her own firm, Campbell Law LLC, less than two years after becoming a lawyer.

She initially had a large social security practice and also handled various types of cases that came through the door, such as contract negotiations, DUIs, crash cases, and consumer law cases. Over time, she developed a passion and expertise for suing banks, earning her the title “Best Lawyer to Call If the Bank Wants Your House” in St. Louis. Through her work on complex litigation against big banks, she gained valuable experience and learned to love the courtroom.

In 2016, she began using big data research to study complex cases with multiple defendants, which greatly benefited her practice. Now, much of her time is spent working on big data research projects for other attorneys alongside John Campbell. Campbell Law LLC, now celebrating its 15th year, houses their big data consulting work while they continue to focus on their own cases, particularly excessive force cases and class actions.

John Campbell

John Campbell began studying juries in 2011 and has since engaged in both academic research and case-specific private research. He has studied over 700 cases involving at least 250,000 jurors across the country, working with many respected and successful trial lawyers in the United States. This work has provided him with valuable insights into juror behavior and how lawyers can improve results for their clients. As the former director of the Civil Justice Institute at the University of Denver College of Law, John became familiar with the growing body of literature on juries and coordinated some of the largest academic jury research studies in history.

He has collaborated with brilliant researchers in the world to answer important questions about human cognition and juror decision-making. John’s goal is to share the wealth of information he has gained through his work with the practice bar.

Sean Claggett

Sean Claggett was born in Twin Falls, Idaho, and moved to Boise, Idaho when he was three years old. He lived in Boise until the end of third grade and then moved to Las Vegas. He attended 8 different schools from 1st-12th grade and played junior college baseball in California. He finished his bachelor’s degree at UNLV. Just before he graduated, he married his high school sweetheart, Lou, and they have been happily married for 24 years. He attended UNLV Boyd School of Law and graduated in 2003. He started his own law firm, on January 1, 2005, with a single employee. Today Claggett & Sykes has over 70 employees which includes 23 lawyers.

Roughly 15 years ago, Sean began conducting focus groups and quickly became obsessed with learning more about his cases through the wisdom of the focus group members. He has conducted over 800 focus groups over the past 15 years. Back in 2014, he asked his brilliant brother, Seton Claggett, to create software for him so he could more accurately track his data from their focus groups. Seton created this software, and Sean was able to more easily see the patterns that were appearing in their repeated focus groups on the same case. He began to believe that the old way of viewing focus groups, which was “focus groups are great for issue spotting but not for determining case value” was flat wrong.

In 2016, he obtained a verdict against Lowes in which his data had predicted the verdict. A few years later, he met John Campbell who was doing Big Data. John and Sean quickly became great friends as they were both committed family guys with amazing wives (Alicia and Lou) and wonderful kids. Over the years, John, Alicia, and Sean have studied and consulted on countless cases together. The research they have done, and the jury verdicts obtained after Big Data studies were conducted on the cases has proven with no doubt that jury verdicts are not random but rather, they are extremely predictable. Sean has personally tried and obtained verdicts over the past five years, in a combined amount in excess $600,000,000, all of which were predicted by Big Data. Additionally, John, Alicia and Sean have consulted on cases that have resulted in an additional $6,500,000,000 in verdicts and settlements over the past five years. Their years of research has culminated with their book, Juryball, which is the first book ever published discussing the use of data in predicting jury behavior.

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